Updated 3/1/2022

The Grove Street Mikvah, from the beginning, has taken special care in ensuring, to the best of our abilities, that our Mikvah provides a safe & healthy experience.  Below is a list of our procedures to ensure a safe and healthy experience.

  1. Our preparation rooms are all thoroughly cleaned every single day in addition to being cleaned nightly between each patron.
  2. We have hand sanitizer throughout the facility for our patrons as well as our staff.
  3. All of our Mikvah pools are filtered and treated daily with bromine.  According to the CDC properly treated water poses no risk of spreading any viruses.
  4. We are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. If you are not finding a time that works for you please call us.
  5. Please call us if you have any concerns (e.g. immunocompromised family members) so that we can help accommodate your individual needs. .
  6. We have and will continue to consult with Medical Professionals as well as Rabbinic authority.


Thank you for partnering with us.  We daven that our joint effort will bring physical and spiritual health to all of Klal Yisroel.